

piaoling  2011-07-28 10:36:22

1.Commercial invoice 商业发票 2.Proforma invoice形式发票 3.Received invoice收讫发票 4.Certificate invoice证实发票 5.Detailed invoice详细发票 6.Neutral invoice 中性发票 7.Manufacture invoice 厂家发票 8.Bank’s invoice 银行发票 9.Preliminary /provisional invoice 临时发票 10.Customs invoice 海关发票 11.Consular invoice 领事发票 12.Packing list 装箱单 13.Weight list 重量单 14.Measurement list 尺码单 15.Insurance poliy 保险单 16.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证 17.Combined Ins......

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piaoling  2011-05-13 13:28:50

  Are you by yourself?你一个人来吗?         Come to the point!有话直说!   Do you accept plastic?收不收信用卡?   Does it keep long?可以保存吗?   Don't be so fussy!别挑剔了!   Don't count to me!别指望我!   Don't fall for it!不要上当!   Don't get me wrong!你搞错了!   Don't give me that!少来这套!      Don't lose your head!别乐昏了头!   Don't over do it!别做过头了!   Don't ......

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piaoling  2011-04-30 20:14:49

彭剑 2011年04月30日 20:00 阅读(1) 评论(0) 分类:跟 我 学 如果你问别人假期的安排,你可以这样说: (1)放假上哪玩啊? (2)放假到哪玩啊? (3)放假去哪玩啊? 三个动词虽不一样,但表达的效果是一样的。 如果你来译这样一句:“现有的文献基本没有讨论到这个问题”。你会直接选用动词discuss吗?其实,我们转过来想一想,“没有讨论”不就是“忽略这个问题”或者“在这个问题上沉默”吗?因此,我们可以有下面的译法: (1)existing ......

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piaoling  2011-03-20 16:00:41

脱口而出的100个英文经典句子 Any day will do?哪一天都可以?   Any messages for me?有我的留言吗?   Are you by yourself?你一个人来吗?   All right with you?你没有问题吧?   Are you free tomorrow?明天有空吗?   Are you kidding me?你在跟我开玩笑吧?   As soon as possible!尽可能快!   Back in a moment!马上回来!   Believe it or not!信不信由你!   Better luck next time!下次会更好!   Boy will be boys本性难移!   Come to the point!有话直说!   Do ......

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piaoling  2011-02-25 20:23:49

1. My time is your time. 请你吩咐!     2. My hands are tied. 我很忙,无能为力。  3. To make a long story short. 长话短说。 4. It's a date. 一言为定。 5. That's a steal. 真便宜。             6.She has no sense. 她不懂事。 7. It's not big deal. 没什么了不起。   8. What's the fuss? 吵什么? 9. Don't push me. 别逼我。                10.......

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piaoling  2011-02-21 09:41:47

What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?) Just because.(没有别的原因。) It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。) You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。) No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。) I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。) I am not available.(我正忙着) Wisdom ......

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piaoling  2011-02-18 11:07:35

Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 23 years old,born in shenzhen . I was graduated from shenzhen university. my major is electronic.and i will got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2008. I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. In July 2007, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engine......

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piaoling  2011-02-18 10:52:17

      收录目前美国最简洁实用的日常口语8,000个例句   例句按使用场合和功能分类排列,便于查找   标题例句配有多种表达方式,便于恰当运用   先说汉语,后说英语,英语由美国专家朗读,语音纯正地道   内容简介 词典是我们学习英语的一个重要工具。虽然我们运用各种中英词典、英中词典去学习英语,但所讲的句子却不是美国人所经常使用的表达方式。词典中的许多句子,从语法上讲很规范,但美国人看了却弄不明白它的意思(很意外吧)......

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