

piaoling  2014-07-07 12:01:54

文件大小 du -sh * 如果要查看磁盘还剩多少空间,当然是用df的命令了。 [root@localhost ~]# df -h  文件系统              容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点  /dev/sda2              14G   11G 2.6G 82% /  /dev/sda1              99M   14M   81M 14% /boot  tmpfs                 442M 275M 168M 63% /dev/shm  /dev/mapper/vg_test-lv_test        ......

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ubuntu vpn服务器

piaoling  2014-07-03 11:08:24

1. Ubuntu下使用 apt 安装 pptpd 非常方便,安装好后自动启动; $ sudo apt-get install pptpd 2. 修改 /etc/pptpd.conf,分配内部IP地址; localip remoteip, 3. 修改 /etc/ppp/chap-secrets,创建VPN用户和口令; username pptpd password * 注:如果 * 修改为固定内部IP地址,将会分配该用户到固定地址,从而确保该用户只能创建一个VPN连接。 4. 修改 /etc/ppp/options,支持自动分配DNS,防止DNS劫持; ms-dns ms-dns 注:上面用的是 Google Open DNS,可以使用其他的......

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piaoling  2014-07-02 19:17:55


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piaoling  2014-06-30 12:02:47

http://www.2cto.com/kf/201207/142456.html 开发包Tests目录有详细使用实例 支持中文,注意文件编码,文件保存为utf-8 写excel //Include class require_once(‘Classes/PHPExcel.php’); require_once(‘Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel2007.php’); $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); //Set properties 设置文件属性 $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator(“Maarten Balliauw”); $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setLastModifiedBy(“Maarten Balliauw”); $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setTitle(“Office 2007 XLSX Te......

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piaoling  2014-06-20 15:32:03

反向解析:http://www.lbase.net/ReverseDNS/ http://www.ipcheck.cn 域名查询:http://tool.chinaz.com/dns 反向解析:dig -x ip ......

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piaoling  2014-06-03 13:26:30

iplist google_cn =||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||173.1......

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PostfixAdmin Vacation/Out of Office Autoresponder

piaoling  2014-05-07 16:56:42

PostfixAdmin Vacation/Out of Office Autoresponder August 10, 2009· by Craig Ballinger · in linux PostfixAdmin actually comes with a perl plugin that enables a Vacation/Out of Office Autoresponder; for some reason, though, it’s not installed by default. The setup only takes a few minutes and it enables users to manage their own autoresponders, so it’s well worth the time. This setup assumes that you’ve followed this Postfix Dovecot Mailserver Walkthrough. If not, your mileage may vary. Basically, you’ll need to have PostfixAdmin setup, and be using it to manage v......

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How to Extend the Magento REST API to Use Coupon Auto Generation

piaoling  2014-05-06 10:54:51

How to Extend the Magento REST API to Use Coupon Auto Generation Category: Configuration: Advanced Table of Contents Overview System Requirements Generating Coupon Codes Extending Magento's REST API to Include Coupon Auto-Generation Securing the Coupon AutoGen API Testing the Coupon AutoGen API Troubleshooting Suggestions Next Steps Overview Customers of traditional stores and online web stores love coupons. Typically, a merchant sends coupons to customers who input them when ......

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magento api

piaoling  2014-05-05 18:41:52

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config>     <api>         <resources>             <fly_api translate="title" module="fly_api">                 <model>fly_api/api</model>                 <title>Fly API</title>             &nb......

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linux作业管理(ctrl z,fg,jobs,kill等)

piaoling  2014-04-30 16:15:23

linux作业管理(ctrl+z,fg,jobs,kill等) 分类: linux相关 2010-03-08 17:46 1236人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 作业killjobslinuxsignal 作业管理 1.将“当前”作业放到后台“暂停”:ctrl+z   2.观察当前后台作业状态:jobs 参数: -l 除了列出作业号之外同时列出PID   -r:列出仅在后台运行(run)的作业 -s:仅列出暂停的作业   3.将后台作业拿到前台处理:fg   fg %jobnumber (%可有可无)   4.......

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