datetime picker
DateTimePickerjQuery plugin select date and time
Use this plugin to unobtrusively add a datetimepicker, datepicker or timepicker dropdown to your forms. It's easy to customize options. Source code on GitHub or download (zip).
Use mask DateTimepicker
Inline DateTimePicker
How do I use it?
First include to page css and js files
<!-- this should go after your </body> --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jquery.datetimepicker.css"/ > <script src="/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/jquery.datetimepicker.js"></script>
Simple init DateTimePicker Example #
<input id="datetimepicker" type="text" >
i18n DatePicker Example #
All supported languages here
jQuery('#datetimepicker1').datetimepicker({ lang:'de', i18n:{ de:{ months:[ 'Januar','Februar','März','April', 'Mai','Juni','Juli','August', 'September','Oktober','November','Dezember', ], dayOfWeek:[ "So.", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa.", ] } }, timepicker:false, format:'d.m.Y' });
Only TimePicker Example #
jQuery('#datetimepicker2').datetimepicker({ datepicker:false, format:'H:i' });
Date Time Picker start date #
jQuery('#datetimepicker_start_time').datetimepicker({ startDate:'+1971/05/01'//or 1986/12/08 });
Date Time Picker from unixtime #
jQuery('#datetimepicker_unixtime').datetimepicker({ format:'unixtime' });
Inline DateTimePicker Example #
jQuery('#datetimepicker3').datetimepicker({ format:'d.m.Y H:i', inline:true, lang:'ru' });
Icon trigger #
Click the icon next to the input field to show the datetimepicker
jQuery('#datetimepicker4').datetimepicker({ format:'d.m.Y H:i', lang:'ru' });
and handler onclick event
jQuery('#image_button').click(function(){ jQuery('#datetimepicker4').datetimepicker('show'); //support hide,show and destroy command });
allowTimes options TimePicker Example #
jQuery('#datetimepicker5').datetimepicker({ datepicker:false, allowTimes:[ '12:00', '13:00', '15:00', '17:00', '17:05', '17:20', '19:00', '20:00' ] });
handler onChangeDateTime Example #
jQuery('#datetimepicker6').datetimepicker({ timepicker:false, onChangeDateTime:function(dp,$input){ alert($input.val()) } });
minDate and maxDate Example #
jQuery('#datetimepicker7').datetimepicker({ timepicker:false, formatDate:'Y/m/d', minDate:'-1970/01/02',//yesterday is minimum date(for today use 0 or -1970/01/01) maxDate:'+1970/01/02'//tommorow is maximum date calendar });
Use mask input Example #
jQuery('#datetimepicker_mask').datetimepicker({ timepicker:false, mask:true, // '9999/19/39 29:59' - digit is the maximum possible for a cell });
Set options runtime DateTimePicker #
If select day is Saturday, the minimum set 11:00, otherwise 8:00
var logic = function( currentDateTime ){ // 'this' is jquery object datetimepicker if( currentDateTime.getDay()==6 ){ this.setOptions({ minTime:'11:00' }); }else this.setOptions({ minTime:'8:00' }); }; jQuery('#datetimepicker_rantime').datetimepicker({ onChangeDateTime:logic, onShow:logic });
After generating a calendar called the event onGenerate #
Invert settings minDate and maxDate
jQuery('#datetimepicker8').datetimepicker({ onGenerate:function( ct ){ jQuery(this).find('.xdsoft_date') .toggleClass('xdsoft_disabled'); }, minDate:'-1970/01/2', maxDate:'+1970/01/2', timepicker:false });
disable all weekend #
jQuery('#datetimepicker9').datetimepicker({ onGenerate:function( ct ){ jQuery(this).find('.xdsoft_date.xdsoft_weekend') .addClass('xdsoft_disabled'); }, weekends:['01.01.2014','02.01.2014','03.01.2014','04.01.2014','05.01.2014','06.01.2014'], timepicker:false });
Use other date parser#
Date-functions library, Baron Schwartz, used in DateTimePicker for parse and format datetime certainly good, but it is licensed under the LGPL. It is not bad and not good. In this example, you see how use other date parse library
Before start, remove code below jquery.datetimepicker.js. Remove all after comment
// Parse and Format Library
After this add in page next code, as previously
<script src="/jquery.datetimepicker.js"></script>
After this you must define two methods for Date object
Date.parseDate = function( input, format ){ // you code for convert string to date object // simplest variant - use native Date.parse, not given format parametr return Date.parse(input); }; Date.prototype.dateFormat = function( format ){ //you code for convert date object to format string //for example switch( format ){ case 'd': return this.getDate(); case 'H:i:s': return this.getHours()+':'+this.getMinutes()+':'+this.getSeconds(); case 'h:i a': return ((this.getHours() %12) ? this.getHours() % 12 : 12)+':'+this.getMinutes()+(this.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'); } // or default format return this.getDate()+'.'+(this.getMonth()+ 1)+'.'+this.getFullYear(); };
It is only example, it is not real code. For real project this.getDate() must be replace to (this.getDate()<0:'0':'')+this.getDate()
This approach will work in a particular project, but does not work in another. Therefore use the other libraries for working with dates - Moment.js.
How to use moment.js with jquery datetimepicker
Add this code in page
<script src=""></script>
After this, again re-define 2 methods
Date.parseDate = function( input, format ){ return moment(input,format).toDate(); }; Date.prototype.dateFormat = function( format ){ return moment(this).format(format); };
After this, you can init datetimepicker with moment.js format
jQuery('#datetimepicker').datetimepicker({ format:'DD.MM.YYYY h:mm a', formatTime:'h:mm a', formatDate:'DD.MM.YYYY' });
Range between date#
jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#date_timepicker_start').datetimepicker({ format:'Y/m/d', onShow:function( ct ){ this.setOptions({ maxDate:jQuery('#date_timepicker_end').val()?jQuery('#date_timepicker_end').val():false }) }, timepicker:false }); jQuery('#date_timepicker_end').datetimepicker({ format:'Y/m/d', onShow:function( ct ){ this.setOptions({ minDate:jQuery('#date_timepicker_start').val()?jQuery('#date_timepicker_start').val():false }) }, timepicker:false }); });
Full options list
Name | default | Descr | Ex. |
lazyInit | false | Initializing plugin occurs only when the user interacts. Greatly accelerates plugin work with a large number of fields |
value | null | Current value datetimepicker. If it is set, ignored input.value |
{value:'12.03.2013', format:'d.m.Y'} |
lang | en |
Language i18n bg - Bulgarian ch - Simplified Chinese cs - Čeština da - Dansk de - German el - Ελληνικά en - English es - Spanish fa - Persian/Farsi fr - French hu - Hungarian it - Italian ja - Japanese kr - Korean nl - Dutch no - Norwegian pl - Polish pt - Portuguese ru - Russian se - Swedish sl - Slovenščina th - Thai tr - Turkish vi - Vietnamese |
format | Y/m/d H:i | Format datetime. More Also there is a special type of «unixtime» |
{format:'H'} {format:'Y'}{format:'unixtime'} |
formatDate | Y/m/d | Format date for minDate and maxDate |
formatTime | H:i | Similarly, formatDate . But for minTime and maxTime |
step | 60 | Step time |
closeOnDateSelect | 0 |
closeOnWithoutClick | true |
{ closeOnWithoutClick :false}
validateOnBlur | true | Verify datetime value from input, when losing focus. If value is not valid datetime, then to value inserts the current datetime |
{ validateOnBlur:false}
timepicker | true |
datepicker | true |
weeks | false | Show week number |
minDate | false |
{minDate:0} // today {minDate:'2013/12/03'} {minDate:'-1970/01/02'} // yesterday {minDate:'05.12.2013',formatDate:'d.m.Y'} |
maxDate | false |
{maxDate:0} {maxDate:'2013/12/03'} {maxDate:'+1970/01/02'} // tommorrow {maxDate:'05.12.2013',formatDate:'d.m.Y'} |
startDate | false | calendar set date use starDate |
{startDate:'1987/12/03'} {startDate:new Date()} {startDate:'+1970/01/02'} // tommorrow {startDate:'08.12.1986',formatDate:'d.m.Y'} |
defaultDate | false | if input value is empty, calendar set date use defaultDate |
{defaultDate:'1987/12/03'} {defaultDate:new Date()} {defaultDate:'+1970/01/02'} // tommorrow {defaultDate:'08.12.1986',formatDate:'d.m.Y'} |
defaultTime | false | if input value is empty, timepicker set time use defaultTime |
{defaultTime:'05:00'} {defaultTime:'33-12',formatTime:'i-H'} |
minTime | false |
{minTime:0,}// now {minTime:new Date()} {minTime:'12:00'} {minTime:'13:45:34',formatTime:'H:i:s'} |
maxTime | false |
{maxTime:0,} {maxTime:'12:00'} {maxTime:'13:45:34',formatTime:'H:i:s'} |
allowTimes | [] |
{allowTimes:[ '09:00', '11:00', '12:00', '21:00' ]} |
mask | false | Use mask for input. true - automatically generates a mask on the field 'format', Digit from 0 to 9, set the highest possible digit for the value. For example: the first digit of hours can not be greater than 2, and the first digit of the minutes can not be greater than 5 |
{mask:'9999/19/39',format:'Y/m/d'} {mask:true,format:'Y/m/d'} // automatically generate a mask 9999/99/99 {mask:'29:59',format:'H:i'} // {mask:true,format:'H:i'} //automatically generate a mask 99:99 |
opened | false |
yearOffset | 0 | Year offset for Buddhist era |
inline | false |
todayButton | true | Show button "Go To Today" |
defaultSelect | true | Highlight the current date even if the input is empty |
allowBlank | false | Allow field to be empty even with the option validateOnBlur in true |
timepickerScrollbar | true |
onSelectDate | function(){} |
onSelectDate:function(current_time,$input){ alert(current.dateFormat('d/m/Y')) } |
onSelectTime | function(){} |
onChangeMonth | function(){} |
onChangeDateTime | function(){} |
onShow | function(){} |
onClose | function(){} |
onGenerate | function(){} | trigger after construct calendar and timepicker |
withoutCopyright | true |
inverseButton | false |
scrollMonth | true |
scrollTime | true |
scrollInput | true |
hours12 | false |
yearStart | 1950 | Start value for fast Year selector |
yearEnd | 2050 | End value for fast Year selector |
roundTime | round | Round time in timepicker, possible values: round, ceil, floor |
dayOfWeekStart | 0 |
Star week DatePicker. Default Sunday - 0. Monday - 1 ... |
className |
weekends | [] |
['01.01.2014','02.01.2014','03.01.2014','04.01.2014','05.01.2014','06.01.2014'] |
id |
style |