
piaoling  2013-08-30 18:50:49

安装mysql服务:yum -y install mysql-server 设置mysql服务随系统启动自启动:chkconfig mysqld on 确认mysql自启动:chkconfig --list mysqld 如果2-5为on的状态就OK 启动mysql服务:/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start 关闭mysql服务:/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld stop 进入命令:mysql -u root -p 进入远程主机:mysql -u root -h 退出命令:exit 显示数据库:show databases; 删除数据库:drop databases 数据库名称 显示数据表:show&n......

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w-ecommerce action,filter, template document - wordpress

piaoling  2013-08-22 12:16:17

Action Reference Posted in Developer Documentation Introduction Actions are triggered by specific events that take place in WordPress, such as publishing a post, changing themes, or displaying a page of the admin panel. Your plugin can respond to the event by executing a PHP function, which might do one or more of the following: Modify database data Send an email message Modify what is displayed in the browser screen (admin or end-user) The basic steps to making this happen (described in more detail below) are:......

类别 :  wordpress(8)  |  浏览(180029)  |  评论(0)

w-ecommerce template files and Template Hierarchy

piaoling  2013-08-22 12:09:14

 Template Files and Locations In Wp e-Commerce 3.8 we have removed the 3 wp-e-commerce themes we used to support (iShop, MarketPlace, and Default) and replaced them with one default theme located in wp-e-commerce/wpsc-theme/. This does not mean that your old themes will not be used when you upgrade, however support for older themes are limited as some new functionality may rely on the new templates. 3.8 WP e-Commerce searches in 3 different places for templates. In order these are: Selected WordPress Theme Directory: wp-content/themes/selectedTheme Old Uploads Dire......

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wordpress e-commerce plugin theme files

piaoling  2013-08-22 11:42:11

wpsc_register_core_theme_files Posted in API Action Reference Located in: theme.functions.php Functions that call this hook: wpsc_register_core_theme_files() Arguments Accepted: none Version Introduced: 3.8 Description: This hook can be used by other plugins to register their theme files. Code in context: [php firstline="41" highlight="59"] /** * wpsc_register_core_theme_files() * * Registers the core WPEC files into the global array */ function wpsc_register_core_theme_files() { wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-single_product.php......

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360搜索 飘零博客

piaoling  2013-08-16 11:58:46

360搜索 飘零博客 http://www.so.com/s?q=piaoling+magento&pq=飘零+magento&j=1&src=corr1 ......

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piaoling  2013-08-16 11:42:18

熟练使用VI快捷键,可以直接使用键盘操作,提高工作效率 进入vi的命令 vi filename :打开或新建文件,并将光标置于第一行首 vi +n filename :打开文件,并将光标置于第n行首 vi + filename :打开文件,并将光标置于最后一行首 vi +/pattern filename:打开文件,并将光标置于第一个与pattern匹配的串处 vi -r filename :在上次正用vi编辑时发生系统崩溃,恢复filename vi filename….filename :打开多个文件,依次进行编辑 移动光标类命令 h :光标左移一个字符 l :光标右移一个字符 space:光标右移一个字符 Backspace:光标左移一个字符 k或Ctrl+p:光标上移一行 j或Ctrl+n ......

类别 :  vim(2)  |  浏览(5100)  |  评论(0)


piaoling  2013-08-15 16:02:25

magento find answer http://magento.stackexchange.com/ ......

类别 :  magento(258)  |  浏览(4931)  |  评论(0)


piaoling  2013-08-12 18:40:41

skrollr——兼容性超强的视差滚动js插件 零、前言 我忘了第一次见到视差滚动的页面是什么时候,但是当时的感觉我到现在都忘不了。 “原来网页还可以这么设计!” 一、skrollr介绍 skrollr是一个开源的视差滚动js插件,兼容性极强,可以兼容各种浏览器(包括IE)以及手机端(IOS/Android),基本上没有兼容不了的。 skrollr自身体积只有8k,加上兼容ie和手机端的插件也不到30k,对于一个展示用页面来说这个体积确实不大了。 ......

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wordpress 电子商务网站插件

piaoling  2013-08-09 18:23:15

WordPress能搭建什么网站?企业网站可以吗?可以!购物网站可以吗?当然也可以!很多童鞋可能对此心有疑虑,但是不管怎样,答案是肯定的!因为各种各样插件的存在,让WordPress功能异常强大,当然搭建购物网站也是小菜一碟。 接下来,我们将为你推荐一款WordPress免费电子商务网店插件,而且偶米工作室已经对该插件进行汉化,方便各位童鞋使用。 Jigoshop 是一个免费的WordPress电子商务购物插件,使用该插件可以轻松搭建购物网站,远离淘宝等网站高额合作费用的困扰......

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piaoling  2013-07-22 10:28:13


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