wordpress e-commerce plugin theme files
piaoling 2013-08-22 11:42:11
Posted in API Action Reference
Located in: theme.functions.php
Functions that call this hook: wpsc_register_core_theme_files()
Arguments Accepted: none
Version Introduced: 3.8
Description: This hook can be used by other plugins to register their theme files.
Code in context:
[php firstline="41" highlight="59"] /** * wpsc_register_core_theme_files() * * Registers the core WPEC files into the global array */ function wpsc_register_core_theme_files() { wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-single_product.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-grid_view.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-list_view.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-products_page.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-transaction_results.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-user-log.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-cart_widget.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-featured_product.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-category-list.php’ ); wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-category_widget.php’ ); // Let other plugins register their theme files do_action( ‘wpsc_register_core_theme_files’ ); } add_action( ‘init’, ‘wpsc_register_core_theme_files’ ); [php]
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