cid 2791328227 ifmID ifm key sub_appkey 872101985 tokenString Gfv-F8-YxIrTHbFHK84ztMyBgC3SaoV6KDGlsxyzzT0.eyJ1c2VyIjp7ImNvdW50cnkiOiJjbiIsImxvY2FsZSI6IiJ9LCJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJITUFDLVNIQTI1NiIsImlzc3VlZF9hdCI6MTM4NzI2MzUyOX0 url http://e.weibo.com/proxy.html viewer 2791328227 5kKhus1xH5e4_wWBMdrg8toArLuAwnDXiAXXFOn-......
{"patterns":[{"enabled":true,"name":"localhost - 匹配本地主机,可以选择用户名:密码验证信息作为前缀,可以使用端口号座位后缀。注意整个本地子网(都会被匹配.模式存在,因为“不要对内部网络 IP 地址使用这个代理”已经被选中","pattern":"^https?://(?:[^:@/]+(?::[^@/]+)?@)?(?:localhost|127\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)(?::\\d+)?(?:/.*)?$","isRegEx":true,"caseSensitive":false,"blackList":true,"multiLine":true},{"enabled":true,"name":"本地子网(IANA 保留地址空间).模式存在,因为“不要对内部网络 IP ......
1,付款方式 1>支持支付宝,网银付款。 2>银行转账,请联系QQ:781310958 2,付款前请填写你的email地址,用于接收文章访问密码。 请保护好你的密码,以防被别人盗用。 每个密码针对相关文章永久有效。 每个密码只能查看5篇付费文章。 3,有任何疑问请联系:qq:781310958 ......
需要注意的是maxmind是geoip数据库的提供方, 同时也提供了很多语言的sample和api说明文档。 比如php,和php的geoip库是有很大区别的,包含使用方式,接口函数。 php官方的geoip需要配置php环境,加载geoip.dll库,并在php.ini中指定GEOIP库地址。 maxmind提供一系列 .inc 和 .php 对环境无依赖,只要支持php,直接require后即可使用。 一、GEOIP数据库 http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite 细分到国家:GeoLite Country 细分到城市:GeoLite City 二、php官方geoip.......
在centos下用yum安装新软件是,yum有时候会提示找不到相应的软件(当然可以用源码安装来解决问题,不过这个需要手动解决依赖问题,比较麻烦。)。这时可以到https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL的子栏目:"How can I use these extra packages?", 到一个和系统相关的epel-release。然后用rpm安装epel-release包,再重新yum install就可以了。附上记录,方便以后解决同类问题。 #yum install git Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration Repository updates is listed ......
安装mysql服务:yum -y install mysql-server 设置mysql服务随系统启动自启动:chkconfig mysqld on 确认mysql自启动:chkconfig --list mysqld 如果2-5为on的状态就OK 启动mysql服务:/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start 关闭mysql服务:/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld stop 进入命令:mysql -u root -p 进入远程主机:mysql -u root -h 退出命令:exit 显示数据库:show databases; 删除数据库:drop databases 数据库名称 显示数据表:show&n......
w-ecommerce action,filter, template document - wordpress
Action Reference Posted in Developer Documentation Introduction Actions are triggered by specific events that take place in WordPress, such as publishing a post, changing themes, or displaying a page of the admin panel. Your plugin can respond to the event by executing a PHP function, which might do one or more of the following: Modify database data Send an email message Modify what is displayed in the browser screen (admin or end-user) The basic steps to making this happen (described in more detail below) are:......
w-ecommerce template files and Template Hierarchy
Template Files and Locations In Wp e-Commerce 3.8 we have removed the 3 wp-e-commerce themes we used to support (iShop, MarketPlace, and Default) and replaced them with one default theme located in wp-e-commerce/wpsc-theme/. This does not mean that your old themes will not be used when you upgrade, however support for older themes are limited as some new functionality may rely on the new templates. 3.8 WP e-Commerce searches in 3 different places for templates. In order these are: Selected WordPress Theme Directory: wp-content/themes/selectedTheme Old Uploads Dire......
wordpress e-commerce plugin theme files
wpsc_register_core_theme_files Posted in API Action Reference Located in: theme.functions.php Functions that call this hook: wpsc_register_core_theme_files() Arguments Accepted: none Version Introduced: 3.8 Description: This hook can be used by other plugins to register their theme files. Code in context: [php firstline="41" highlight="59"] /** * wpsc_register_core_theme_files() * * Registers the core WPEC files into the global array */ function wpsc_register_core_theme_files() { wpsc_register_theme_file( ‘wpsc-single_product.php......
360搜索 飘零博客
360搜索 飘零博客 http://www.so.com/s?q=piaoling+magento&pq=飘零+magento&j=1&src=corr1 ......
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