

piaoling  2011-04-27 18:58:14

前言 我从2007年开始使用Magento,应该算是国内第一批使用Magento的用户。但是我却从来没有认真研究过Magento,更多的停留在应用层面。虽然也做过一些插件,但也就是依葫芦画瓢而已。偶然间看到Alan Storm的一系列关于Magento的文章, 我忍不住的心潮澎湃,相见恨晚。Alan的文章循序渐进,深入浅出地讲述了Magento的架构和工作方式, 把一个复杂系统的内部结构淋漓尽致的展现在我们面前。读完以后,我茅塞顿开,感叹Magento的强大,架构之美。于是我决定翻译Alan的文章......

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Tutorial: Creating a Magento Widget - Part 1

piaoling  2011-04-26 17:26:13

You can start with an introductory blog post on Magento Widgets to get understanding of the key concepts and terminology. Introduction The Magento Community Edition Version 1.4 facilitates the use of custom frontend extensions by introducing a new concept of customizable widgets, which can provide more control over the frontend behavior and visual block placement to store owners. Developing a widget doesn’t differ much from developing a regular Magento extension which provides some frontend functionality. Each Magento extension can have any number of widgets. You can also de......

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How to create a new package / theme

piaoling  2011-04-25 19:07:56

This is a work-in-progress. Help making this article great is requested. The following was done with Magento v1.3.2.4. I’ve been reading up on Magento’s packages and themes for a little while now. For the life of me, I can’t get a secondary theme to work. So I created a whole new package. This procedure will create a minimal, 2-column (left), non-complete, bare-bones package/theme that you can then fully customize. I did it from the command-line in linux, but I suppose you could do it from FTP or SCP. Just make sure you keep the paths correct. The reason f......

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Turning On and Off Magento's Default Blocks

piaoling  2011-04-25 10:31:09

Turning On and Off Magento's Default Blocks Category: Theming & Design Kara Heinrichs, Magento When customizing your Magento store, one of the first things everyone wants to do is to turn off some of the default functionality and modules. Out of the tarball, Magento has most of its functionality turned on so that it's available, but some will not be applicable to your store. This article summarizes how to turn off some of default modules and blocks of content, like the callout banners in the right and left columns, or the poll, or newsletter signup. The gen......

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magento System Requirements

piaoling  2011-04-03 19:44:43

System Requirements At the base level, Magento will require the following software: How do I know if my server meets these system requirements? Supported Operating Systems: Linux x86, x86-64 Supported Web Servers: Apache 1.3.x Apache 2.0.x Apache 2.2.x Supported Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and above Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and above Apple Safari 2.x Google Chrome Adobe Flash browser plug-in should be installed PHP Compatibility: 5.2.13 Required exten......

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Magento Training

piaoling  2011-03-06 09:33:22

 Magento Training Contents [hide] 1 Must-reads 2 Magento Backend / Frontend 3 Tutoriels: Magento for PHP MVC Developers 4 Magento Architecture 5 Magento development 6 Exercises 7 Annexes Must-reads Category:Newcomer Magento Tips contains lots of information. Read it before you even try installing Magento on your PC, it will save you som......

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piaoling  2011-03-05 17:28:38

    Magento | Comments   对于开发人员来说,本篇笔记是很重要的,之前曾发过几篇零碎的文章介绍Magento的安装,体验非常差。这次我们参考Magento的 官方手册再进行一遍。 环境确认: 系统要求,Linux Server/Apache 1.3.x or 2.x/Php 5.2.0 and above/MySQL 4.1.20 and above。实际上装在Windows上也是没有问题的,下载的时候注意,不要下载Download版,要去找Full版,因为前者只是一个壳,需要在安 装过程中再下载完整的文件,而这部分Magento处理的非常差......

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piaoling  2011-03-05 15:51:09

第一章:Magento介绍 Posted 星期三, 05/20/2009 - 16:30 by Kevin Von 在阅读手册中详细介绍Magento之前,让我们先大概介绍一下Magento这个项目。 1.Magento是什么? Magento是一套专业开源的电子商务系统。Magento获得过sourceforge的2008年最佳新项目奖。 2.Magento的特点 Magento设计得非常灵活,具有模块化架构体系和丰富的功能。易于与第三方应用系统无缝集成。Magento开源网店系统的特点主要分以下几大类: 网站管理 促销和工具 国际化支持 SEO搜索引擎优化 结账方式 运输快递 支付方式 客户服务 用户帐户 目录管理 目录浏览 产品展示 分析和报表 3.......

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piaoling  2011-03-05 15:41:13

Magento用户手册的目录,方便各位查看某个具体的内容,如果是刚学习使用Magento的话,建议从头开始看,点这里。 目录 第一章:Magento介绍 什么是Magento Magento的元素和专业术语 Magento的程序架构 第二章:Magento入门 Magento的系统需求 Magento下载 Magento安装和配置 Magento后台控制面板介绍 第三章:建立目录 产品目录概念总览 设置默认项 创建分类(Creating Categories) 分类中添加产品(Assigning product......

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