Magento Training

piaoling  2011-03-06 09:33:22

 Magento Training


  • 1 Must-reads
  • 2 Magento Backend / Frontend
  • 3 Tutoriels: Magento for PHP MVC Developers
  • 4 Magento Architecture
  • 5 Magento development
  • 6 Exercises
  • 7 Annexes


  • Category:Newcomer
  • Magento Tips contains lots of information. Read it before you even try installing Magento on your PC, it will save you some time when trying to figure out what's wrong (no human - not even Chuck Norris! - has ever been able to setup Magento and have it run correctly on the first try).

Magento Backend / Frontend


  • Magento Commerce Website
  • Official Magento Guide Book
  • Product attribute scope presentation: available in: sarge.comDocs_shared_ESHOPTEAM_MagentodocumentationTrainingMagento product attributes scopes - v2.2.ppsx


  • Install Magento on your local computer with the sample data
  • Create the following architecture:
    • 1 Website
    • 2 Stores, 2 store views each
    • 1 design for each store
    • 1 language for each store (EN / CN)
    • 3 Currencies available (USD / RMB / EURO)
  • Configure VAT (see documentation on Sarge4)
  • Use different displays on frontends (1 store displays prices with and without tax, the other don't)
  • Create 5 simple products, and at least 1 product of each other type (grouped, configurable, bundle, virtual and downloadable)
  • Configure different stock status for the products you created
  • Create a specific homepage for 1 store view.
  • Create a categorie tree from a new root category. Assign it to one of your store.
  • Enable some payment methods and shipping methods from the backend.
  • Register a customer account
  • Add different type of product to your shopping cart.
  • Checkout by using different kind of shipping method and payment method. Order as a customer and as a guest
  • Add products to compare list and compare those products.
  • Add comment to a product and approve the comment in backend.
  • Set shopping cart price rules and catalog price rules in backend. For shopping cart price rule create also a specific coupon with 10% of refound only on a specific product.


Q1: What is the differences between grouped / bundle and Configurable products' type?

Q2: Explain the different sort of stock status

Q3: Explain the meaning of categorie’s attribute “Is Anchor”

Q4: Explain the differences on the frontend / backend when you order being a registered customer or a guest.

Q5: Explain all the different status an order can have

Q6: How to add new products' attributes to compare for the functionality Compare products?

Q7: Describe Wishlist functionnalities.

Q8: Explain the differences between related product, up sell product and cross sell product.

ETD: 16

Tutoriels: Magento for PHP MVC Developers

ETD: 32

Magento Architecture

Q9: Describe the usage for each folowing folders / files

  • ./index.php
  • ./app/Mage.php
  • ./app/code
  • ./app/design
  • ./app/locale
  • ./app/etc
  • ./js
  • ./skin
  • ./lib
  • ./media
  • ./var
  • ./404
  • ./downloader

Q10: How does Magento implement Multilanguage?

Q11: How does Magento change website skin? Which folders are in charge of it?

ETD: 2

Magento development

Q12 How does Magento implement MVC? (Give a short description or sample)

Q13: What kind of components module has?

Q14: How does Magento dispatch client request? Wich file(s) is/are in charge of it?

Q15: Generally, what is Magento controller for?

Q16: To create a frontend controller, what should we do?

Q17: To create a backend controller, what should we do?

Q18: What is the function of the layout?

Q19: See Annexe1. This is a part of customer’s layout: explain the functions of each node (text in bold).

Q20: How to change a specific page from 1 column to 2 column-left style?

Q21: What is the function of the template?

Q22: How to add an image in a template? There are two cases: the picture is saved under /media; the picture is saved under /skin/frontend/default/images/

Q23: What is the function of the block?

Q24: How does Magento connect block to a specific template?

Q25: What is the block “core/template” always used to?

Q26: What is the block “cms/block” used to?

Q27: See Annexe2. Here is a part of layout “catalog.xml”, why there are several block nested in block “content”?

Q28: How can we use the content of template “catalog/product/list.phtml” in template “catalog/category/view.phtml”?

Q29: What is the function of the model?

Q30: What is the EAV model? What are the differents between basic model and EAV model?

Q31: How to create a basic model?

Q32: What is the function of model resource?

Q33: How to get the instance of a model? (give an exemple using product model)

Q34: How to get data from a model instance? (give an exemple using product model)

Q35: How to insert or update a model into database?

Q36: How to delete a row from database by using model?

Q37: How to get list of Models? How to get list of Models by some filter conditions?

Q38: How to create/update a database table by configuration file?

Q39: How to design EAV tables?

Q40: Which tables are EAV entities table in Magento? Which are not?

Q41: How to define an Entity in configuration file?

Q42: How to get one record from an Entity?

Q43: How to get a few of records from an Entity?

Q44: How to select specific attribute from Entity collection?

Q45: How to add conditions on Entity collection?

Q46: How to use API? (Give a short example using customer's API)

Q47: What are the different step to create our own API?

Q48: How to rewrite an existing core function of Magento? (Block, Model, Helper, Controller)

ETD: 26


Exercise 1

Subject: Move the quick search box to the bottom of the page (inside the footer).
Move the footer links to header of page.
Move the catalog navigation to the left column and make a vertical display.

ETD: 3h

Required knowledge:

  • layout
  • template
  • block
  • catalog

Exercise 2

Subject: Add remaining stock in product page.
When stock is available, replace “in stock” with the remaining stock on product page
In BO, we can enable or disable this function. If this function is disabled, keep the default display of Magento.

ETD: 2h

Required knowledge:

  • catalog
  • product
  • template
  • block
  • BO configuration

Exercise 3

Subject: Add "TVA" after product  price when the price including tax 

ETD: 1h

Required knowledge:

  • product
  • product price
  • tax
  • template
  • BO configuration

Exercise 4

Subject: When a customer is logged in, display "My orders" in top links area, put this link after "My cart". 
This link is same as the "My orders" in customer’s "My account" page.
When customer is logged out, don’t display this link in top links area.

ETD: 3h

Required knowledge:

  • customer
  • sales
  • layout
  • template

Exercise 5

Subject: When a product is added to one’s wish list, send an email to administrator. 
The email template can be configured In BO
This function can be disabled in BO

ETD: 4h

Required knowledge:

  • wishlist
  • controller
  • email
  • BO configuration

Exercise 6

Subject: Customer can upload an avatar in their account management page, the avatar picture will be displayed in « My account » page and "product review" page. 
Add configuration page in BO, set allowed max size(length, width) of picture
We can enable or disable this function in BO, if the function is disabled, don’t display avatar in frontend.

ETD: 8h

Required knowledge:

  • customer
  • review
  • controller
  • template
  • block
  • BO configuration

Exercise 7

Subject: Add a new product attribute named "Recommended" in BO, the attribute type is Yes/No.
Create a new controller in frontend to display all products whose attribute "Recommended"  is set to Yes.

ETD: 5h

Required knowledge:

  • catalog
  • product
  • model
  • collection
  • layout
  • template
  • block

Exercice 8

Subject: Create a simple shipping method (based on « Flat rate » shipping method)

ETD: 6h

Required knowledge:

  • Shipping process

Exercice 9

Subject: Create a simple payement method (based on « Check / Money order » payment method)

ETD: 6h

Required knowledge:

  • Payment process


Annexe 1

   method="addLink" translate="label title" module="customer">My AccountMy Account10 Log InLog In100="wishlist_sidebar">page/2columns-left.phtml name="customer_account_navigation" before="-" template="customer/account/navigation.phtml">  account customer/account/ Account Dashboard  account_editcustomer/account/edit/Account Informationaddress_bookcustomer/address/Address Booksimplecheckout/cart_item_renderercheckout/cart/sidebar/default.phtmlgroupedcheckout/cart_item_renderer_groupedcheckout/cart/sidebar/default.phtmlconfigurablecheckout/cart_item_renderer_configurablecheckout/cart/sidebar/default.phtml

Annexe 2



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