
2 Magento Controller Dispatch and Hello World

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:13:49

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture traces its origins back to the Smalltalk Programming language and Xerox Parc. Since then there have been many systems that describe their architecture as MVC. Each system is slightly different, but all have the goal of separating data access, business logic and user-interface code from one another. The architecture of most PHP MVC frameworks will look something like this. A URL is intercepted by a single PHP file (usually called a Front Controller) This PHP file will examine the URL, and derive a controller name and an action name (a pro......

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The Magento Config

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:12:51

The config is the beating heart of the Magento System. It describe, in whole, almost any module/model/class/template/etc than you’ll need to access. It’s a level of abstraction that most PHP developers aren’t used to working with, and while it adds development time in the form of confusion and head scratching, it also allows you an unprecedented amount of flexibility as far as overriding default system behaviors go. To start with, we’re going to create a Magento module that will let us view the system config in our web browser. While this is all wrote copying and pas......

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piaoling  2011-05-03 10:22:37

magento获得菜单分类代码 magento获得菜单分类代码,此代码在magento 1.4.2版本中使用正常,可以放在任意的.phtml文件中。此代码可以用来套用各种js菜单,实现各种各样的菜单效果。此代码来自互联网,非原创。代码如下   <div class="box layered-nav"> <div class="head"> <h3><?php echo $this->__('Browse By') ?></h3> </div> <h4><?php echo $this->__('Category') ?></h4> <div class=&qu......

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Magento Architecture

piaoling  2011-05-02 18:10:19

  Page request flow   Preliminary core modules dependency diagram ......

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Magento Architecture

piaoling  2011-05-02 17:50:59

Magento Architecture Page request flow Preliminary core modules dependency diagram   Preliminary core modules dependency diagram   ......

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Magento Users Guide

piaoling  2011-05-02 17:48:05

Magento Users Guide Chapter 1: Introducing Magento Chapter 2: Getting started with Magento Chapter 3: Set Up Your catalog Chapter 4: Get Ready for Selling Chapter 5: Promotions, Marketing and Content Pages Chapter 6: Customers Chapter 7: Reports and Analytics Chapter 8: Managing Orders Chapter 10: Upgrad......

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magento 重置你的管理员密码

piaoling  2011-05-02 17:21:37

我相信,很多朋友在安装Magento的过程当中都遇到了麻烦.安装了很多次. 很多朋友就因为这个忘记了自己的密码.需要安装. 我现在告诉大家一个方法,不必重新安装. 就可以重新设置你的管理员密码. 其实joomla还有其他一些程序也是用这个方法重置管理员密码的 密码是经过md5加密的 你只需要将你要生成的密码用md5加密工具加密一下,替代phpadmin里面看到的md5加密的密码就可以了 我这里给出详细的教程 1打开你本地或者空间管理后台的phpmyadmin 2进入......

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magento FAQ

piaoling  2011-05-02 16:41:47

为了防止你的Magento后台被黑客攻击,我们推荐你修改管理员面板的默认URL,这对提高你的magento网站安全有非常大的好处。    按照以下步骤来修改admin URL/path. 注意: 最好不要在 Magento后台管理面板修改管理面板URL,因为这很可能会导致问题产生. 第一步 下载Magento网站目录下的app/etc下的local.xml文件,然后用记事本或者motepad++等文本编辑器打开编辑   <admin> <routers> <adminhtml> <args> <frontName><![CDATA[admin]]></frontName> </args> </adminhtml> </routers> </admin> 把第五行的 ......

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在magento中如何输出Magento skin目录,phtml,cms?(Magento Img 标签使用)

piaoling  2011-05-02 16:37:12

Phtml中: <img src="/getSkinUrl('images/myImage.png') ?>"/> CMS中: <img src="/{{skin url='images/media/myImage.jpg'}}" /> ......

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在magento中如何调用static block?(系统面板内CMS---->static block)

piaoling  2011-05-02 16:31:58

解答:若想在站点页面的某个地方放点静态的内容,比如广告,或者是促销信息之类的,这样的东西完全没有必要新建一个block。完全可以使用cms内的static block。创建完后,记住static block的id并在网站中调用. 调用static block 三个地方三种方式 phtml中 <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('block_id')->toHtml() ?> XML中 <block type="cms/block" name="block_name"> <action method="......

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