6 Magento ORM: Entity Attribute Value; Part 1

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:18:51

In our last article we told you there were two kinds of Models in Magento. Regular, or “simple” Models, and Entity Attribute Value (or EAV) Models. We also told you this was a bit of a fib. Here’s where we come clean. The following is part of a longer series about Magento aimed at developers familiar with PHP MVC development. While each article can be read stand alone, each article does build on concepts and code covered in previous articles. If you’re confused, be sure to catch up on the older stuff first. ALL Magento Models inherit from the Mage_Core_Model_Abstra......

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5 Magento Setup Resources

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:17:56

On any fast paced software development project, the task of keeping the development and production databases in sync become a sticky wicket. Magento offers a system to create a versioned resource migration scripts that can help your team deal with this often contentious part of the development process. The following is part of a longer series about Magento aimed at developers familiar with PHP MVC development. While each article can be read stand alone, each article does build on concepts and code covered in previous articles. If you’re confused, be sure to catch up on the older stuff......

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4 Magento Models and ORM Basics

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:17:19

The implementation of a “Models Tier” is a huge part of any MVC framework. It represents the data of your application, and most applications are useless without data. Magento Models play an even bigger role, as they typically contain the “Business Logic” that’s often (right or wrong) relegated to the Controller or Helper methods in other PHP MVC frameworks. The following is part of a longer series about Magento aimed at developers familiar with PHP MVC development. While each article can be read stand alone, each article does build on concepts covered in previo......

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3.2 Directory Climbing in Magento Layout

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:16:08

Just a quick note on some updates I’ve made to the Layouts, Blocks and Templates article. Previously, the example code given had demoed a technique for storing your phtml template files along with your module files by climbing the directory tree up to app/, and then back down to your module template="../../../../../code/local/[etc...]" One of the early Magento Books I’d read included the technique, and demoing it in the article re-enforced where Magento stored its templates in relation to module files. I’ve since rewritten the article to remove all referenc......

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3.1 Layouts, Blocks and Templates

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:14:55

Continuing along with Magento, we’re going to skip models for the time being, and jump to the right side of our flowchart to look at Layouts and Blocks. Unlike many popular PHP MVC systems, Magento’s Action Controller does not pass a data object to the view or set properties on the view object. Instead, the View component of Model, View, Controller directly references system models to get the information it needs for display. One consequence of this design decision is that the View has been separated into Blocks and Templates. Blocks are PHP objects, Templates are “raw&r......

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2 Magento Controller Dispatch and Hello World

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:13:49

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture traces its origins back to the Smalltalk Programming language and Xerox Parc. Since then there have been many systems that describe their architecture as MVC. Each system is slightly different, but all have the goal of separating data access, business logic and user-interface code from one another. The architecture of most PHP MVC frameworks will look something like this. A URL is intercepted by a single PHP file (usually called a Front Controller) This PHP file will examine the URL, and derive a controller name and an action name (a pro......

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The Magento Config

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:12:51

The config is the beating heart of the Magento System. It describe, in whole, almost any module/model/class/template/etc than you’ll need to access. It’s a level of abstraction that most PHP developers aren’t used to working with, and while it adds development time in the form of confusion and head scratching, it also allows you an unprecedented amount of flexibility as far as overriding default system behaviors go. To start with, we’re going to create a Magento module that will let us view the system config in our web browser. While this is all wrote copying and pas......

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piaoling  2011-05-03 10:22:37

magento获得菜单分类代码 magento获得菜单分类代码,此代码在magento 1.4.2版本中使用正常,可以放在任意的.phtml文件中。此代码可以用来套用各种js菜单,实现各种各样的菜单效果。此代码来自互联网,非原创。代码如下   <div class="box layered-nav"> <div class="head"> <h3><?php echo $this->__('Browse By') ?></h3> </div> <h4><?php echo $this->__('Category') ?></h4> <div class=&qu......

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piaoling  2011-05-02 18:22:25

3月11日,京东商城CEO刘强东在微博里正式确认收购,为悬念十足的千寻网去向揭开了谜底。有了解该交易的人士透露,价格在500万美元左右。 2009年4月高调面世,上线不足两个月主帅离职,之后发货慢、假货泛滥等负面消息一直伴随着千寻网。 京东商城的入主给了千寻网一个归宿,不至于沦落到倒闭的地步,但从超过一亿元的投资到以几百万美元出手,如此大的差距仍然耐人寻味。 华丽出生 千寻网由北京匹尔夏科技发展有限公司在2008年12月15日推出的专营海外商品的购物网站......

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Magento Architecture

piaoling  2011-05-02 18:10:19

  Page request flow   Preliminary core modules dependency diagram ......

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