php 网友博客

piaoling  2011-05-03 17:31:48

php 网友博客: ......

类别 :  PHP(78)  |  浏览(3192)  |  评论(0)

xdebug 安装

piaoling  2011-05-03 17:25:43

zend_extension_ts="php_xdebug.dll" extension=php_xdebug.dll [Xdebug] xdebug.profiler_enable=on xdebug.trace_output_dir="D:/wamp/www/Xdebug" xdebug.profiler_output_dir="D:/wamp/www/Xdebug" ......

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piaoling  2011-05-03 16:16:41

Xdebug终极教程分为五个部分,从Xdebug安装、Xdebug使用、Xdebug配置、Xdebug调试到WinCacheGrind工具的使用,完整而详细的一步一步揭秘Xdebug。   Xdebug安装 详细介绍了什么是Xdebug,为什么要用Xdebug,以及如何安装Xdebug。 Xdebug教程之Xdebug安装: Xdebug使用 从一个最简单的出错信息开始,到复杂的调试,一步一步向你演示Xdebug的使用。 Xdebug教程之Xdebug使用: Xdebug配置 根据Xdebug的官方文档来详细解释Xdebug的参数配置......

类别 :  PHP(78)  |  浏览(3407)  |  评论(0)


piaoling  2011-05-03 16:13:10

最佳用了下Xdebug这个扩展,说实话,非常好用。这个对查看错误以及运行效率极为有效。 PHP100张恩民老师最近出了2期视频也是介绍Xdebug的。 我在这里给一些引子: 1.PHP100视频101: 2.PHP100视频102: 3.我也装了下,发现不能像视频中说的那样显示错误,解决方案为:将php.ini中html_errors 设置为On. 4.一定注意安装路径问题......

类别 :  PHP(78)  |  浏览(4166)  |  评论(0)

Magento’s Many 404 Pages

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:31:39

The 404 page has a long and illustrious history in the world of web development. What started as a simple, unfriendly error message has turned into a key part of any site’s experience, and any retail outlet’s conversion rate. Like many other PHP frameworks, Magento faces the challenge of providing a unified 404 experience. Also like many other PHP frameworks, Magento has punted that responsibility onto the end user-developer of the system. In this article we’ll explore the various ways that the Magento cart application generates 404 pages, which will allow you to make educat......

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11 Magento Default System Configuration Values

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:24:06

This is more of an addendum to my previous articles on the System Configuration system than an entirely new article. Go back and read up if anything’s over your head. When you create a new System Configuration path, Magento doesn’t store a default value. This is true even for the default stock system configuration. You can confirm this by looking at the core_config_data table. mysql> select * from core_config_data ; +-----------+---------+----------+----------------------------+------------+ | config_id | scope | scope_id | path | value | +------......

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10 Magento System Overrides and Upgradability

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:23:31

An oft-touted and often overused feature of The Magento Ecommerce System is the ability to override core system behavior. Another oft-discussed topic for Magento developers is upgradability, and how overrides get in the way of that. Today we’re going to look at the various ways overrides make switching versions difficult. Before we begin, it’s important to point out we’re talking about changing the core “Business Logic” of Magento. Changes to phtml templates are both expected and common in all but the simplest of stores. Hacking the Source The “least ......

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9 Varien Data Collections

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:22:37

Originally, as a PHP programmer, if you wanted to collect together a group of related variables you had one choice, the venerable Array. While it shares a name with C’s array of memory addresses, a PHP array is a general purpose dictionary like object combined with the behaviors of a numerically indexed mutable array. In other languages the choice isn’t so simple. You have multiple data structures to chose from, each offering particular advantages in storage, speed and semantics. The PHP philosophy was to remove this choice from the client programmer and give them one useful dat......

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8 In Depth Magento System Configuration

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:20:59

Last time we talked about Magento’s System Configuration system. If you missed it, you’ll want to go back and catch up. So, we glossed over a lot of the tags you could use within an individual field. <fields> <!-- ... ---> <fieldname translate="label"> <label>Field Name</label> <frontend_type>text</frontend_type> <sort_order>2</sort_order> <show_in_default>1</show_in_default> <show_in_website>1</show_in_website> <show_in_store>0<......

类别 :  magento(258)  |  浏览(2799)  |  评论(0)

7 Custom Magento System Configuration

piaoling  2011-05-03 15:20:10

One of the more powerful parts of the Magento eCommerce System is the Admin’s System Config section. As a developer, it will allow you to quickly and easily setup forms elements that allow your end-users to configure their Magento System and your custom modules. Like a lot of things in Magento, it can be intimidating the first time you attempt to setup a new configuration section from scratch, but once you’ve done it once the power of (nearly) code-less forms will become addictive. Let’s get started. We’ll be building off the module we created in the Magento Contro......

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