php send mail with pear

piaoling  2011-06-29 18:10:55 ......

类别 :  PHP(78)  |  浏览(3374)  |  评论(0)


piaoling  2011-06-29 13:32:38

【德鲁克的经典五问,你有什么样的回答?】 1. 我是谁?什么是我的优势?我的价值观是什么? 2. 我在哪里工作?我属于谁?是决策者?参与者还是执行者? 3. 我应做什么?我如何工作?会有什么贡献? 4. 我在人际关系上承担什么责任? 5. 我的后半生的目标和计划是什么? ......

类别 :  生活(60)  |  浏览(4391)  |  评论(0)

magento file 树形结构

piaoling  2011-06-28 18:00:50 ......

类别 :  magento(258)  |  浏览(3247)  |  评论(0)

Create Shipping Method Module

piaoling  2011-06-28 14:02:48

Introduction   This tutorial is similar to Creation of Payment Method module, and differs the most in adapter model. Each shipping method can be done as separate module or few methods can be combined in same module if they share functionality or could be used together. Our new module will be called NewModule. Replace all instances of ‘NewModule’ with name of your module and ‘newmodule’ with simplified code, that contains only alphanumeric characters and underscore. Replace all instances of ‘YourCompany......

类别 :  magento(258)  |  浏览(3424)  |  评论(0)

ubuntu 双系统

piaoling  2011-06-24 17:37:10

哎,老兄,咱俩的问题一模一样啊, 这是我在网上找的,用这个方法可以进去系统,但是我也不知道怎么修复 要是找到了也告诉我一下哦, 先,当显示sh:grub的时候,敲入如下代码 ls,会显示当前硬盘分区的情况,像我的结果就是 (hd0) (hd0,1) (hd0,5) (hd0,6) (hd0,1)是C盘,我把ubuntu安装在D盘,就是(hd0,5),其实只要知道有哪几个分区就行了,可以一个个试的,然后是下面的代码: set root=(hd0,5) enter loopback loop0 /ubuntu/disks/root.disk enter set root=(loop0) enter linux /bo......

类别 :  ubuntu(21)  |  浏览(3636)  |  评论(0)


piaoling  2011-06-24 15:43:00

安装前的准备工作     最近国外厂商和国内Linux爱好者都在热议的话题是,Linux有能力挑战Windows的市场地位了。为什么呢?因为最流行的Linux--Ubuntu发布新版本10.10了,它的人机交互界面越来越棒。     但对大部分不了解Linux操作系统的人来说,都还有这样的想法:要重装系统才能玩Ubuntu,我才懒得干呢。Linux初学者说我不会安装咋办呢?针对这些问题,小编借这篇文章,手把手教大家用虚拟机来安装Ubuntu 10.10。     虚拟机的好处大家都知道......

类别 :  ubuntu(21)  |  浏览(4156)  |  评论(0)

Create An External Database Connection in Magento

piaoling  2011-06-23 19:01:13

While I'm confident that many people in the Magenosphere have figured this one out, it took a whole Saturday night and part of my soul for me to achieve it. Hopefully, by presenting this code here, I can save you from the pain I endured :) Creating The Connection To create your connection, create a custom module and add the following to your config.xml. The code below is the bare minimum needed to get the external database connection working. ? 1 2 3 4 5 ......

类别 :  magento(258)  |  浏览(6289)  |  评论(0)

Run Magento Code Externally

piaoling  2011-06-23 18:59:51

If you're working with Magento often you'll find sometimes you need to use Magento functions and classes outside of the Magento platform. This can be easily achieved with the following lines of code. ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 require_once('app/Mage.php'); //Path to Magento umask(0); Mage::app();   // Now you can r......

类别 :  magento(258)  |  浏览(3295)  |  评论(0)

Accessing Static Blocks In Magento

piaoling  2011-06-23 18:58:24

Sometimes a client asks to be able to manage certain areas of their Magento ecommerce website that would usually require access to template files. While this is okay, most clients consider HTML a foreign language and would probably do more harm than good. To remedy this, a lot of developers would consider creating a custom module. While this isn't bad, sometimes it can require too much work if the client only wants to change one line of text! A much easier and quicker solution is to use a static block. Static Blocks can be included into your design in three main ways: Inside a ......

类别 :  magento(258)  |  浏览(3756)  |  评论(0)

addAttributeToFilter Conditionals In Magento

piaoling  2011-06-23 18:57:31

addAttributeToFilter is a function that can be called on a product collection in Magento. In short, it adds a condition to the WHERE part of the MySQL query used to extract a product collection from the database. ? 1 2 3 4 $_products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()    ->addAttributeToSelect(array('name', 'product_url', 'small_image'))    ->addAttributeToF......

类别 :  magento(258)  |  浏览(3548)  |  评论(0)
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