Flickr 网站架构研究.doc ......
Magento with MySQL Master/Slave Replication
Magento with MySQL Master/Slave Replication lingrlongr Total Posts: 18 Joined: 2009-06-07 Ignore user I searched this forum and found posts, but no answers (nor replies, for that matter). I set up my local.xml file to enable the default_setup and default_read database connectio......
Performance is Key! - Notes on Magento’s Performance
Magento's performance is key. Over the past few months, we've dedicated significant resources to diagnose and optimize Magento's performance. Now that Magento's 1.0 feature set is mostly complete, we are glad to share some of our work and the effort that has gone towards the goal of making Magento fast and furious. We are extremely happy with the results of our testing and benchmarks. With such extensive features, functionality and flexibility performance may sometimes take a hit, and Magento is no exception to this rule. But there are performance gains in every incre......
cron magento
计划任务(cron job)是Magento系统中一个很有用甚至可以说必须使用的功能,而最近在网上跟人聊天发现很多Magento的使用者不知道这个功能或者知道却认为可有可无,我在这里建议各位Magento的使用者,把这个功能使用起来吧。 在之前关于Newsletter的那篇博文我有讲到,要使新闻能按设定的时间自动发送,就必须设置好计划任务(cron job)。计划任务(cron job)简单的来说就是在系统中每隔一段时间来重复操作一件事,比如每隔多少时间清理日志......
第一集 <以爱之名> 开头:自从我们睁开眼睛看这个世界的第一天起,我们看到的就只有两种人——男人和女人。他们分属于两大不同的阵营,为了彻底收服对方,大家互相往死里掐。根据一个遥远的传说,说有一种东西叫做“爱情”,可以彻底的终结这场战争。于是大家纷纷地赶紧去寻找,赶紧去幻想,找到头破血流才发现,原来这个感情也是另一些人,在书房里炮制出来的。于是大家都更加绝望,更加痛苦。更加互相地往死掐......
magento product collection filter by status and visibility
Hello, I am trying to create a product feed. When I load the product collection, any filter I try to not include disabled product do not work. Code: <?php require_once \'app/Mage.php\'; umask(0); Mage::app(\'default\'); $products = Mage::getModel(\'catalog/product\')->getCollection(); $products->addAttributeToSelect(\'*\'); //$products->addAttributeToFilter(\'stat......
magento Filter Google Base based on product status [SOLVED]
class Mage_GoogleBase_Block_Adminhtml_Items_Product extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setId('googlebase_selection_search_grid'); $this->setDefaultSort('id'); $this->setUseAjax(true); } &nbs......
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