Remove category path from product URL in magento
As great as Magento is there are a number of failings it can have from an search engine optimisation point of view and one of the biggest bugbears our SEO consultants have had with it is the number of different URLs a product can be accessed on. If product a is in category 1 and two then by default magento will create links to it on the following URLs. This can cause duplicate content issues from a search engine point of view. One solutio......
ubuntu 网络
1. 检验是否可以连通,就使用ping命令ping 网关开始的时候总是现实unreachable 2. 设置IP sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask这样就算设置好了网卡eth0的IP地址和子网掩码 3. 设置网关 sudo route add default gw 4. ping 网关就可以ping通了 5. 设置Ubuntu DNS 修改/etc/resolv.conf,在其中加入 nameserver DNS的地址1 nameserver DNS的地址2 把上面的地址改成你自己的试下,我的也是ubuntu,之前也出现过不能上网的情况,我这边因为能ping通路由器,所以......
Magento base url without store code
$url = Mage::getConfig()->substDistroServerVars('{{base_url}}'); //baseurl Zend_Debug::dump($url);......
引导语:根据医学和多数人的体验、观察,一个人真正睡着觉最多只有两个钟头,其余都是浪费时间,躺在枕头上做梦,没有哪个人不做梦。至于醒来觉得自己没有做梦,那是因为他忘记了。 睡觉的诀窍 通常一个人睡两个钟头就够了,为什么有人要睡七、八个钟头?那是你赖床躺在枕头上休息的习惯养成的,并非我们需要那么久的睡眠时间,尤其打坐做功夫的人 晓得,正午只要闭眼真正睡着三分钟......
<?php echo array_sum( array_map( function( $value ) { return ( $value % 3 == 0 || $value % 5 == 0 ) ? $value : 0; }, range( 1,999 ) ) ); ......
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