30 很棒的 jQuery Mobile 教程

piaoling  2011-09-06 13:57:30

本文涉及的 jQuery Mobile 教程包括乳如下 5 大方面的内容:

1. jQuery Mobile Swipe
2. jQuery Mobile Gallery
3. jQuery Mobile Menu
4. jQuery Mobile Datepickers
5. jQuery Mobile Themes

1. jQuery Mobile Swipe

1. How to Create a WordPress Theme in Photoshop

jQuery Mobile

2. Swipe Gallery

jQuery Mobile

3. WipeTouch, a jQuery plugin for touch devices

jQuery Mobile

4. Another experiment in jQuery Mobile swipe navigation

jQuery Mobile

5. jQswipe

jQuery Mobile

6. Multiswipe

A simple plugin to enable multi-touch swipe events in Mobile Safari. Based off of jSwipe by Ryan Scherf.
jQuery Mobile

2. jQuery Mobile Gallery

7. Awesome Mobile Image Gallery Web App

With more and more users browsing the web with a mobile device, it’s time to begin with mobile web development. In this tutorial we are going to develop a simple mobile image gallery using the amazing jQTouch jQuery plugin for mobile web development. jQTouch is a jQuery plugin with native animations, automatic navigation, and themes for mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, iPod Touch, G1, and Pre.
jQuery Mobile

8. Touch Gallery

The plugin was written and optimized for Mobile Safari running on the iPad or iPhone 4. It also runs in Dektop Safari, Firefox 4, as well as in Opera and Chrome.
jQuery Mobile

9. Photo Swipe

Image Gallery for mobile and touch devices
jQuery Mobile

10. Mobile Photo Album JQuery plugin

Mobile Photo Album JQuery plugin is a easy to use JQuery plugin for web developer to build Javascript gallery for mobile device. The plugin is driven by xml or array data. Easy setup and only minimum programming knowledge is needed. Best for building photo album which target for view on mobile device.
jQuery Mobile

11. TN3 Gallery

TN3 Gallery is a full fledged HTML based customizable image gallery with slideshow, transitions and multiple album options. Compatible with all modern desktop and mobile browsers. Powered by jQuery. jQuery Mobile

12. jQuery Mobile Gallery

For some time I was looking for jQuery Mobile gallery solutions and didn’t find much. So I made one. Just want to share my little experiment.
jQuery Mobile

3. jQuery Mobile Menu

13. Select menus

The select menus are driven off native select elements, but the native selects are hidden from view and replaced with a custom-styled select button that matches the look and feel of the jQuery Mobile framework. The replacement selects are ARIA-enabled and are keyboard accessible on the desktop as well.
jQuery Mobile

14. jQueryMobile Toolsbars & Navigation Menu’s

In depth look at building jQuery Mobile header and footer menu’s. We also look at building navigation menu’s in the header and footer and creating iphone and android like fixed menu’s.
jQuery Mobile

15. dualColumn

It adds a new data-role to the existing set. Just insert a

your menu

somewhere in the first page div and it’s ready. All links are loaded as usual. If the screen on the device is too small to be used with two columns – nothing happens. Site works as it would work without the plugin.
jQuery Mobile

16. Horizontal Menu Drop Jquery

jQuery Mobile


17. iPhone 2 Template – Sliding Dhtml Menu (jQquery-iPhone-Horizontal-Slider)

jQuery Mobile

18. Jquery Drop Bar

jQuery Mobile

19. iPhone 6 Template – Code CSS Menu – (jQuery-Vertical-Menu-iPhone)

jQuery Mobile

20. jQuery iPad Menu jQuery Menu

jQuery Mobile

4. jQuery Mobile Datepickers

21. jQuery UI’s Datepicker Styled for mobile

The included files extend the jQuery UI datepicker to make it suitable for touch devices. This plugin is not included in jQuery Mobile by default, so you’ll need to include the files yourself if you’d like to use them. Scroll down for usage instructions.
jQuery Mobile

22. Android-Like Date Picker with jQuery mobile .2

jQuery Mobile

23. Sound System Studio Web Layout

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a nice looking layout.
jQuery Mobile

5. jQuery Mobile Themes

24. Mobjectify – Easy Theming

jQuery Mobile

25. jQuery Mobile – Mobile theme

Built with the incredible jQuery Mobile plugin, this theme is perfect for those who want to make a good looking and easy to read version of their blog. It uses most of jQuery Mobile features to guarantee an optimal ease of reading on mobile devices such as the iPhone, Blackberries or Android.
jQuery Mobile

26. Carrington Mobile

Carrington Mobile is an elegant mobile theme with that supports advanced touch browsers (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Pre) and is also backward compatible with older mobile devices.
jQuery Mobile

27. Custom jQueryMobile Themes

Want to stand out from the crowd? Then, you might be wondering how to create your own custom jQuery Mobile theme. Well, this screencast will teach you how to do exactly that. You will learn how to edit a default jQuery Mobile theme and add your css and theme changes in order to customize it to your needs.
jQuery Mobile

28. Möbius

Let us introduce our first free WordPress theme optimized for mobile devices. Features are listed below:
jQuery Mobile

29. Smooci 2.1.0 WordPress Theme

Smooci is a WordPress theme for mobile phones and devices. Use this WordPress plugin to display the theme when your WordPress site is visited on mobiles
jQuery Mobile

30. A Drupal jQuery Mobile theme (tutorial)

In an attempt to create a mobile Drupal iPhone app, I’m currently writing a Drupal mobile app using jQuery Mobile, and although I still have a few kinks to work out, the basics are now working.
jQuery Mobile

更多关于jQuery Mobile的详细信息,或者下载地址请点这里

转载请注明:文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
本文标题:30 很棒的 jQuery Mobile 教程

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