Read Timed Out after 10 seconds magento

piaoling  2011-07-20 18:47:41
TheGingerOne - 06 October 2010 05:34 AM


I had a similar problem recently with only being able to submit a few records at a time before the timeout message. I found out that you can increase the timeout limit in the Zend directories and thus give yourself a better chance of your items going through.

Edit the following file on your server:  /lib/Zend/Http/Client.php

Locate the following line:
‘timeout’ => 10

Increase it to what you need it to be. I set it to 30 which did the job for me.

I’m very new to Magento and haven’t got to grips with it’s complexity. Therefore please do your own tests and make sure your happy with making this change. Backup, test etc.




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