New Magento project initialisation

piaoling  2011-05-10 11:29:35
- New Magento project initialisation 1.2 Updated 2010-08-10 -

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Reminder: Please notice that <test_server> is currently: uat-magento / ip: Websites can be reached using http://<project>




[edit] Step 1: <test_server>: creating the databases

Check if the URL has been setup for the test server: http://<project_name>.<test_server>/. If no, inform your Team Leader as soon as possible.

Create the following databases using PhpMyAdmin on http://phpmyadmin.<test_server>/ (user: root / no passwd):

  • <project_name>_<magento_version>_dev for development website
  • <project_name>_<magento_version> for test website.


[edit] Step 2: <test_server>: Magento sample data

For any new project, Magento has to be installed with its sample data (for testing purposes). The Magento sample data can be found here.

  • Import the Magento sample data database on database <project_name>_<magento_version>_dev. Be carefull of the Magento version of your project (Community / Enterprise / Professionnel).
  • Import folder media/ from the sample data


[edit] Step 3: Local computer: creating the project

According to the technical specifications related to the project, install the good version of Magento on you local computer. The project URL must respect the following pattern:<project_name>/<magento_version>/

During the installation, synchronize the project with the development database on <test_server> (<project_name>_<magento_version>_dev).

Ask your Team Leader for the admin user to create.


[edit] Step 4: Local computer: Project initialisation

Admin notifications must be disabled. Log on the backend, and go to: System --> Config --> Advanced --> Advanced --> Tab Disable modules output. Here, disable the module Mage_AdminNotification.

Configure the project according to the specifications:

  • Website structure
  • Configuration
  • VAT configuration
  • New attributes and attribute sets
  • CMS pages and CMS blocks
  • New modules
  • ...


[edit] Step 5: Local computer: Design initialisation

If the design is a basic design:

  • Default Magento Design
  • Template bought (Template Monster, ...)

The design must be configured now. If this is a specific design, it will be done after the project's initialisation.

Please see more details in this article: Magento Design initialisation

[edit] Step 6: <test_server>: Project initialisation

You have now to prepare the test server:

  • Copy and past all your code to <test_server> on /var/www/<project_name>/<magento_version>/ (compress your files using ZIP for example)
  • Export the database <project_name>_<magento_version>_dev and import it in database <project_name>_<magento_version>, then change the URLs in table core_config_data
  • Update the file « app/etc/local.xml »

The website should be reachable through http://<project_name>.<test_server>/<magento_version>/


[edit] Step 7: SVN

Step 7.1: Checkout (local computer)

Right-click at the root folder of your Magento's instance. Then choose option SVN Checkout. The SVN repository should be written on the technical specifications. If no, ask to your Team Leader.

URL of repository:<project_name>/trunk/<magento_version>/

If the folder <magento_version>/ does not exist, you HAVE TO create it!

Checkout directory: path/to/your/<project_name>/<magento_version>/

You will have the following message: « The target folder pathtoyourprojetcmagento_version is not empty! Are you sure you want to checkout/export into that folder? » Click « Yes ».

Step 7.2: Commit (local computer)

Go on each of the following folder, right click on them, then click on option « Tortoise SVN → Add »

  • 1./app/
  • 2./app/code/
  • 3./app/code/community/ (*)
  • 4./app/code/local/ (*)
  • 5./app/design/
  • 6./app/design/adminhtml/ (*)
  • 7./app/design/frontend/
  • 8./app/design/frontend/bysoft/ (*) !!! depending of the used design !!! (if other folders than « bysoft » are required, put them on SVN too)
  • 9./app/etc/
  • 10./app/etc/modules/ (*)
  • 11./app/locale/ (*)
  • 12./skin/
  • 13./skin/adminhtml/ (*)
  • 14./skin/frontend/
  • 15./skin/frontend/default/bysoft/ (*) !!! depending of the used design !!! (if other folders than « bysoft » are required, put them on SVN too)

!!! All folders with (*) must be added with all subfolders and subfiles !!!

Copy and past file « <project_name>/<magento_version>/app/etc/local.xml » to « <test_server>:/_ESHOPTEAM/_Magento/Projects/<project_name>/files/ »

Step 7.3: <test_server>

Checkout the code from<project_name>/trunk/<magento_version>/

<test_server> website must be updated and available for QC team and Integration team.



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