Thanks for the quick reply Moshe. Oh and setting the active flag to ‘2’ was just to see what kind of cool errors I could summon 
Adding <use /> created this error for me.
Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in C:wlanmaulappcodecoreMageCoreModelResource.php on line 99
So I added <type>pdo_mysql</type>
Now I get
PDOException Object
[message:protected] => SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table ‘core_resource’ already exists
...etc (long error)
(and this down the bottom)…
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Mage_Core_Model_Store_Exception’ in C:wlanmaulappcodecoreMageCoreModelApp.php:1056 Stack trace: #0 C:wlanmaulappcodecoreMageCoreModelApp.php(545): Mage_Core_Model_App->throwStoreException() #1 C:wlanmaulappMage.php(577): Mage_Core_Model_App->getStore() #2 C:wlanmaulappMage.php(439): Mage::printException(Object(Mage_Core_Exception)) #3 C:wlanmaulindex.php(40): Mage::run() #4 {main} thrown in C:wlanmaulappcodecoreMageCoreModelApp.php on line 1056
If I rename the table ‘core_resource’ on my default_read I still get the error, but if I rename it on my default_setup it creates ‘core_resource’ on default_setup and then complains about ‘core_website’ .. Like its going down the list trying to create these tables.
I’m assuming it thinks its a fresh install.. tried defining a default_write instead of default_setup, but that didn’t work.. any more ideas? I’m going to wipe my default_setup db server and see if it will go all the way through… Thanks !
<use />
I deleted all tables and just had my magento schema and it goes through creation, but still errors out eventually.. similar database duplicate error.. just this time it was a column instead of a table.